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Civic Milestones and Updates: Q1/Q2 2020

The first half of 2020 marked a few significant milestones for Civic. Most importantly, we’re proud that Civic Wallet is now available in app stores! Since late March we’ve been offering gated, invite-only Civic Wallet access to a waitlist of users around the world. The wallet was officially made available in the app stores on June 15. 

We built Civic Wallet because we wanted to be the first company to get a digital wallet right for the consumer. Civic Wallet offers a safe way to store and transact with digital currency around the world. We put you at the center of the wallet experience, so you’re in charge of your crypto and identity. Restoration is easy and guaranteed if you ever lose your phone.

Start protecting your crypto immediately

With a Civic Wallet, you may immediately bring in digital currency and start protecting it with our company’s $1 Million Cryptocurrency Protection Guarantee, provided by Coincover and insured by Lloyd’s of London underwriters (see terms & conditions). Civic Wallet also offers an easy way to store digital currency and pay your friends and family around the world. You may send and receive funds to usernames, addresses and even to QR codes after creating a verified identity. Digital currency, including BTC, ETH, USDC and CVC, may be sent globally with low fees for a limited time.

When you sign up for Civic Wallet, you’re authenticated as a real person, using both AI and blockchain-based technology. Because of this unique identity technology, there are no more seed phrases or passwords to remember. Importantly, Civic Wallet is multisig, meaning that more than one private key is required to transact with the wallet. In the event that you lose access to your Civic Wallet, Civic will work together with our partners to recover access to your crypto. And because we are non-custodial, you remain in control of your crypto.

What’s next for Civic

Now that we’ve launched Civic Wallet in app stores, we’re hard at work on the next set of new products and features. Recently, we announced a proof-of-health verification for employers with Health Key by Civic™. Together with our partner, Circle Medical, we are ready to securely verify employee health status for San Francisco Bay Area companies while protecting privacy for employees. With Health Key by Civic™, employees will have control over the information they share with third parties.

Next quarter, we’ll have new Civic Wallet features and product announcements, including more identity features. We built Civic Wallet to protect personally identifiable information (PII), and no PII is stored directly on a blockchain, only an attestation of the information. This is one of several layers of protection designed to shield Civic Wallet holders from bad actors. In addition to identity features, we’ll be adding user profiles, and continuing to develop identity and crypto use cases.

In the news

Health Key by Civic™ and the generally available Civic Wallet were exclusively featured in a Forbes story, which received more than 40,000 unique views to an influential industry-focused audience. The story became an Editor’s Pick and was shared by Forbes Tech on Twitter to more than 2.6 million followers. Following the breaking news, other tech publications such as Cointelegraph and VentureBurn also reported on the news. In all, combined with our press release, Civic Wallet news reached more than 103 million readers.

Earlier this year, Civic announced a partnership with Coincover to offer Civic Wallet users a $1 Million Cryptocurrency Protection Guarantee (see Terms & Conditions). Coverage for this announcement included stories in CoinDesk, Cointelegraph and BeINCrypto.

Civic appeared in a number of podcasts throughout the first half of the year, including Encrypted, Follow the White Rabbit, the Crypto Coin Show, the Matt Brown Show, Tech Central, Cointelegraph, TF Labs, and Solana. Some other highlights include this CES panel and an appearance in the Cryptopia documentary and this story about the macro-economy and crypto.

Building the health use case for identity verification, the identity ecosystem operating independently from Civic as a nonprofit, has been hard at work building structural inroads to new identity use cases, including proof-of-health verification. From the non-profit’s work contributing to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Verifiable Credentials Data Model to its contributions to California State legislation related to medical test results and verification credentials, has actively laid groundwork for health verification. is currently working on separating its ecosystem’s infrastructure, so that multiple identity validators may enter its marketplace for verifying credentials.

Get Your Civic Wallet

It’s been an exciting 2020 so far, and we’re looking forward to the second half of the year. If you haven’t tried out Civic Wallet yet, getting started is just a click away in the Google Play Store or App Store.

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