
Legal Disclosures

Your use of Civic’s website (located at, Civic’s user platform (located at, iOS and Android apps, and Civic’s identity verification platform is governed by the corresponding terms:

Civic Technologies Inc. – Terms of Service

Civic Technologies Inc. – Online Privacy Policy

Your use of Uniqueness Pass is governed by the corresponding terms:

Civic Pass – Uniqueness Terms of Service

Civic Pass – Uniqueness Privacy Policy

Your use of Civic Pass is governed by the corresponding terms:

Civic Pass – Terms of Service

Civic Pass – Privacy Policy

Biometric Policy Notice

Our technology is protected by Civic’s Patents:


Your identity, your way, made easy.

Unsupported Countries:

Due to Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) restrictions, Civic is unsupported for nationals and residents of the following countries: Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria.

Civic Passes cannot be issued if a VPN is detected.

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