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Civic and Bring Investor Identity Verification to

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with for investor identity verification on their platform. is a Web3 platform that connects angel investors, VCs, and syndicate investors with founders. It is built on the Solana network and includes an on-chain governance layer that ensures secure and transparent capital management and deployment. offers a trustless environment for angel investors, investment syndicates, venture funds, and startup founders to manage their assets. This is made possible through the automation of investment execution, fundraising, and asset management processes.

With, startup investors can manage their portfolios and related processes through a single platform, enabling them to invest directly in projects without any third-party involvement. They also have the option of investing collectively by creating or joining an investment syndicate or VC fund based on their goals. also offers support in defining legal and tax requirements. In addition to Solana-based tokens, startup backers and founders can invest and raise funds using Ethereum and Polygon network tokens. has integrated Civic Pass Platform to enable identity verification controls for investors who are interested in joining an investment syndicate, VC fund, or fundraiser. The goal is to enable founders* to restrict or allow access to investors based on certain verification requirements, powered by Civic, and add access requirements** for new members to their co-investing or fundraiser deal. users have several options for accepting new investors to their co-investing or fundraiser deal: accepting only investors from the United States, restricting investors from the United States, or accepting all members. This provides flexibility based on the deal’s needs and legal requirements.

Civic Pass Platform is the easiest way to use Civic Identity Verification Services. For, we use our proprietary technology to validate identity documents, location and humanness on-chain, and we also perform the verification, issuance and lifecycle management of the user’s Civic Pass on behalf of 

As a multichain, wallet-agnostic identity and access management solution (IAM), Civic Pass Platform was built for smart contracts, dApps, and Web2 companies entering blockchain. It allows dApps to manage user access to their protocol and services with Civic Pass, according to their set of requirements. DApps may also set up custom requirements for identity and access management, if desired.

A Civic Pass is an on-chain attestation of requirements that allows users to access a dApp’s protocol or services. It’s a non-transferable access token that a dApp may issue, freeze or revoke with our enterprise-grade Civic Pass Platform. Civic Pass is available on Solana, Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and XDC.

We’re proud to partner with to help founders and investors connect with each other and achieve their goals in a way that inspires more permissionless trust.

Ready to integrate Civic Pass? Check out our docs.

* Only the investors on the platform are granted access through the Identity Verification Services (IDV) on the Civic Pass Platform. Civic does not provide IDV Services to founders or projects and therefore information or access regarding founders or their projects is not validated by the Civic Pass Platform.

** Civic provides IDV services based on the information provided by investors. Civic does not provide Know Your Customer (KYC) services or Anti Money Laundering (AML) audit services. Civic assumes no responsibility, and does not guarantee that the use of IDV services will satisfy any compliance requirements, including KYC and AML obligations, if any. Please see our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more details.

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Civic Passes cannot be issued if a VPN is detected.

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